After a long hike in the woods overlooking Danbury, Connecticut with my dog, Skyli, a rescue from Tennessee, I saw the Monarch butterfly flutter to a purple clover on the ground. I stopped and recalled my late grandmother's obsession with butterflies. "When I see butterflies, it means someone's going to die," she would often say, referring to birthday cards. She did die Read More
Angela, you most certainly are honest, caring, and empathetic.
This is a beautiful post about your mother and grandmother. Thank you for sharing it.
Sharon Rieger
Oct 06, 2017 6:30 AM EDT
Beautiful words Angela. I hope writing helps you through this. What a wonderful tribute. Loving thoughts to you and your family
Edie Sutton
Oct 06, 2017 7:18 AM EDT
Your words are a gift to your mother and grandmother, and to us all.
Oct 06, 2017 7:06 PM EDT
Angela, I know what you are going through. As cousins we share a lot of the same history and some of the tough times too. Your Mom and Dad are two of the great people in my life and I was lucky enough to have a very nice visit with them last month. I really could not tell how advanced Aunt Gayle's condition was and am very proud to know that she (as well as all of you) is fighting this terrible disease in her own way. It really helps to know what she is going through, thank you for spelling it out for us in such an honest, heartfelt way. Let me know if anything I can do. Best.
Oct 09, 2017 6:42 PM EDT
Angela, You so eloquently told such a beautiful story of your journey and how, beyond this physical Earth, people can touch us. I am so glad you are enjoying your mom and family - it is so hard as our parents, our rocks, get older. You were so kind and thoughtful with me when my mom was ill, thank you. I don’t measure up but am thinking and praying for you and your family. Xoxoxo Kelly
Kelly Ryan
Oct 24, 2017 3:49 PM EDT
What I love about this is how we go through these periods of darkness.... And the cocoon feels so suffocating at times...but somehow we come out on the other side... forever changed but still able to fly. I know you are savoring every moment with mom and that's a beautiful thing. Keep writing. That's also a beautiful thing!
Nov 20, 2017 5:22 PM EST
Hi Angela,
The past few days have been filled with butterflies. People have been posting butterflies on facebook in remembrance of a loved one. I went in my kitchen drawer and found a pile of butterfly magnets. Today I saw 2 butterflies on a licence plate holder. I cleaned a house and saw a bell with butterflies and a butterfly letter opener. I think your mom final flew to AZ. There are signs of her, grandma, uncle Glen and my dad all over. I'm so happy she's soaring.